Image Source: Falmouth Online University Canvass
In last week's challenge activity, you were tasked with devising and proposing a strategy, or method, to tackle and avoid crunch within your team.
To start this week, as a team, reflect on the activity you carried out. Some topics to cover include:
Was the activity a success, in your opinion?
So far the activity has been a success. We are on schedule for all of the things we have set out to do. This has allowed me more time to focus on written work whilst the asset and art team work on implementing their ideas into the game. The content lock we devised for the week coming is on track meaning at this stage we are looking at having additional time for bug testing and feedback from the trial play test at Harlow College.
Did everyone in your group feel involved in the discussion?
I feel everyone was happy and engaged in the discussion. This was initially brought up by Matt our advisor so I think they had it on good authority to understand the importance of what he is advising us. The fact that we were able to execute this means we were definitely on board with the idea and dedicated to make it happen.
Did your activity impact or perhaps alter entirely your remaining tasks and / or milestones in any way?
Yes! As mentioned above, I think in a way we took a more pro active approach to the deadline and instead of making sure it was done on this day, we used it as a target to ensure it was done by this day. Having it done by this day meant we could aim to have it done sooner (which we did) which now means we have more time at the end for polishing it up.
Was there consensus amongst the group?
Yes. We all agreed it was a smart move to have goals and that issuing a content lock would be beneficial so that we are not all adding things in at the last minute.
Phoebe Herring:
Before starting this video I decided to look at Phoebe's Artstation portfolio as there are some really big names on there such as Star Wars and Half Life. I really like the style of art Phoebe employs and I can see why she has turned to freelance work. I also notice that Phoebe is proficient in Unreal Engine, something that I too love using. During the video we were asked to consider the following:
Could your team benefit from employing a freelancer?
I think our team could benefit from a freelancer, this would be able to bridge the gap between skill sets. Earlier in the course, we talked about sharing the workload and how important it is to ensure we have a good work/life balance. As it stands our current team make up is very art derived and very thin on the programming side meaning it can sometimes be hard on the programmer as there is no one to share it with. Employing a freelancer would be very beneficial because of this.
What skills and competencies are missing from the team composition?
I think another programmer would be good to strike that balance. We also don't have a specific music composer for tracks although within the team it can be done. But again, it does go to prove that there would be too much for any one person to do.
Do you foresee any issues with employing freelancers so late into the project?
I think with only 2 weeks left to go, the only issue I would see is the freelancer not having enough time. Depending on the capabilities of the freelancer, they may need to free up other work loads and thus charge more to us for meeting our deadlines. Hindsight is 20/20 so they say and looking back at this from the start if we were a business would have probably saved us money in the long run.

Image Source: Falmouth Online University Canvass
For this week's challenge activity, you are encouraged to create Market Personas of RI Artefacts.
You may recall that Ardath Albee defines buyer personae as “composite sketches of a segment of your target market that inform the creation of content strategy that will turn prospects into buyers” (Ardath, nd).
As a team, find some time to get together and create a single persona that might identify with your chosen artefact. Although this is an optional activity, you may wish to incorporate your persona into your pitch assignment.
During the preparation for our practice pitch, we discussed the use of different personas to identify our target audience.
To gather information for these people, we started with pre-existing games of the same genre and then looked at various review sites such as Metacritic & IGN. We then took games with high scores & looked at some of the review wordings and used that data to helps us build around this.
Once we had the information, we looked at the language used and the details to make our personas. Once the information was gathered we created 2 personas and as a team discussed and refined until we had the ones we decided to use as part of our pitch & final part of the marketing question.

Fictional persona Abbey Smith

Fictional persona Jake Kennedy